dalmatian dog png image with transparent backgrounddalmatian dog png image with transparent backgrounddalmatian dog png image with transparent backgrounddalmatian dog png image with transparent backgrounddalmatian dog png image with transparent backgrounddalmatian dog png image with transparent backgrounddalmatian dog png image with transparent background

Generate unique images with transparent background.
In under 30 seconds.

Just describe what you need and let AI generate unlimited and unique photos, icons, illustrations or logos. In PNG format with transparent background.

Generated Pixels
Generated Transparent PNGs
Illustration depicting one item on top and multiple visually similar items below

Unlimited designs at your fingertips

MagicStock revolutionizes how you create graphic assets. Instead of searching or designing, you can now describe the asset and our AI will create unique images in transparent PNG format seconds later.

You get a new design even with the same description. This means you can create literally unlimited design variations. Say goodbye to designer's block.

Single place for all transparent images

No longer you have to comb through 10 different websites to find the transparent PNG image you want. With MagicStock, all you need is a single text box input and a bit of imagination.

Create icons, logos, 2D or 3D illustrations, studio grade eCommerce photos, or stock photos of people and animals. You can even make completely novel designs like "funny siamese cat smiling with human teeth".

funnel icon
illustration of a flying rocket demonstrating speed

Speed up your workflow

From creating fully finished designs to quickly drafting concepts, MagicStock will help you deliver results faster than ever before.

Not matter how powerful AI seems to look, it will never surpass human creativity, but it will certainly help turn your ideas into reality much faster.

The future of creative work is here!